Pool repair for damaged areas & divots prior to Roll-On Pool Plaster.
Sider-Repair - 55lb bag - Patching & crack repair product prior to the application of the Sider-Proof FF-PR-Roll-On Pool Plaster.
Sider-Resin M50 is required as a bonding agent with Sider-Repair (please look in accessories).
Color: Grey Note: Product cannot be left bare and must be coated with our Roll-On Plaster, pool paint or some other pool finish. For spot repairs in pool plaster, use the Sider-Pool Plaster Patch.
Coverage - 35 sq. ft. @ 1/4" thick per bag
- Interior and exterior concrete repairs to 1” in one coat
- Perfect for pool plaster and crack repairs prior to resurfacing with Sider Proof FF-PR
- May also be used as patching if re-painting a pool
- Polymer modified & fiber-reinforced
- Non-shrink
- Also perfect for pool bull nose repairs, pool decks, concrete walls, block repairs and more
- Grey in color
- Pre-blended only requiring clean water added